Hello, I've been making video games for over 5 years using various tools, technologies and languages. Over the course of my career, I've gained knowledge in the overall development cycle as well as insight into shipping web and mobile games. I've worked for Kuluya, Steel Minions, Gamsole and as a Freelancer respectively. Nowadays, I specialise in C# with Unity. I also occasionally blog about the Nigerian gaming scene at gamedev.ng.
Clients I've Worked With
Clients I've been contracted to work for either as a programmer or consultant
Tools and Languages
Some tools and languages I'm really good at
Game Engines: Corona, Unity
Programming Languages: Action Script 3, C#, Java, Lua
Text Editors and IDE's: Android Studio, Netbeans, Sublime Text 2 / 3, Visual Studio
Backend Services: Azure, Gamesparks, Photon, Playfab
I've also experimented with and made small things using these technologies
C++, Game Maker, HLSL, J2ME, Phyre Engine, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Playstation 4, XNA
Games Portfolio
* Confidential client projects are not included below
Other Projects
When I'm not making video games I do other cool stuff like blogging, trainings and workshops. For more info on my publications, talks, tutorials, and other projects check out my projects page.